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Wait List Information

Each year the Office of Admissions at the University of Rochester is tasked with enrolling a specific number of overall students for the entering first-year class. To hit this enrolling number target, we typically use a wait list to manage enrollment. An offer to be on our wait list signifies that you fit the academic profile of a student who could be successful here and would positively contribute to our greater campus community, but due to limited space we cannot make a final decision at this time.

If you wish to remain on our wait list, we strongly encourage you to submit an enrollment deposit at another institution to secure a spot for yourself for the fall semester, as there is no guarantee that a spot will become available at Rochester through the wait list. Any offer of admission to Rochester from our wait list will most likely not come until after this year’s national deposit deadline of May 1.


Typical wait list acceptance numbers

Traditionally, 15 percent of our total applicant pool is offered a spot on our wait list, and the percent of those students choose to stay on the wait list varies from year to year. Historically, an average of 100 students have been admitted from our wait list, although some years that number has been much lower.

Next steps

After being offered a spot on our waitlist, you should:

  1. Determine if you still want to attend Rochester.
    • If you do, please submit your Wait List Reply Form (available through MyROC) before May 1. Submitting it after May 1 may jeopardize your chances of being admitted as a part of the University’s fall or spring enrolling class.
  2. Decide if you want to be considered for fall 2025 or spring 2026 admission.
    • The Wait List Reply Form gives you the opportunity to choose an entrance term. Each year we admit a few students for a January start (spring semester) as a first-year student if their university enrollment is flexible. However, the majority of our admits from the wait list are for the fall semester.
  3. If you are no longer interested in being considered for admission to Rochester, you can simply indicate that through the Wait List Reply Form.

Waitlist timeline

  • May 1—Wait List Reply Form due date
  • May 1—Financial aid documents due*
  • Shortly after May 1—Wait list offers begin as we confirm our enrollment numbers
  • August 1—All wait list decisions are released

*Financial aid documents must be submitted as soon as possible if you are interested in receiving a need-based financial aid package. An enrollment deposit extension will not be granted for those admitted students whose financial aid documents were received after the deadline.

Wait list frequently asked questions

Do I need to pay an enrollment deposit while on the wait list?

No, you do not need to submit an enrollment deposit to Rochester to remain on the wait list. However, if offered admission, you should plan to submit your deposit within one week.

How many applicants are put on the wait list?

Historically, we have placed 15 percent of our applicant pool on the wait list.

What number of students are typically admitted from the wait list?

Each recruitment cycle is very different, and the ability to predict how many students will be admitted from the wait list is challenging. Historically, we have admitted an average of 100 students annually from the wait list, although varies widely from year to year.

How do I show that I’m still interested?

The first step is to submit the Wait List Reply Form and indicate that you wish to remain on the wait list. You can submit additional items through MyROC, such as new grades, an additional recommendation, etc.

Can I visit campus and will this help my chances?

Yes, you may attend a campus tour while on the wait list. However, visiting campus will not help your chances of gaining admission.

Is the wait list ranked?

No, we do not rank our wait list at any time.

Are students offered admission from the wait list guaranteed housing? What if I’m admitted to the spring semester?

Yes, all first-year students enrolled at Rochester are guaranteed housing. You must live on campus the first two years. Students admitted for the spring 2025 semester are given the same opportunities as all enrolling students, and housing is also guaranteed.

If I am admitted from the wait list for the spring 2025 semester, what should I do in the meantime?

We encourage you to use your time wisely, but you should not plan to enroll as a full-time first-year student at another institution. As a non-matriculated student, you may take a course or two, but enrolling as a full-time student at another institution will forfeit your admission/enrollment at the University of Rochester. Traditionally, students admitted for the spring semester spend the fall working, traveling, doing volunteer work, or taking academic courses as a non-matriculated student at another institution.

Will I get a financial aid offer if I’m admitted from the wait list?

If you have applied for financial aid and submitted all of your financial aid documents (FAFSA and CSS Profile) before May 1, your need-based financial aid package will be sent shortly after your admit letter.

Do your need-based financial aid policies remain the same for those admitted from the wait list?

Yes, our need-based aid policies remain the same and we guarantee to meet full demonstrated need as indicated by the FAFSA and CSS Profile calculations.

Is there a separate wait list for Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) candidates?

Not necessarily. We do have a target number of HEOP students to enroll each year as mandated by the State of New York and the University’s Office of Minority Student Affairs. We employ a similar approach to enrolling students from the wait list into HEOP as we do for our general pool.