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First-Year Students

A person sitting at a laptop.

Begin your application

Apply online through the Common Application or the Coalition for College Application.

Please note: If you’re interested in studying solely at the University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music for a bachelor of music degree, you must apply directly through the Eastman application and should not submit either the Common Application or Coalition for College Application.

Application Fee

There is a $50 application fee to apply to the University of Rochester.

If the application fee poses a significant financial burden on you or your family, please complete our Application Fee Waiver Request Form intended for all first-year and transfer students, regardless of citizenship.

Required materials

The following required materials must be submitted to us directly by your secondary school or university, depending on the document. Documents must be submitted through the Common Application or Coalition/ Scoir Application portal. The Office of Admissions will not process documents submitted via email from another party. The University of Rochester school code is 002894.

Secondary school transcript

Your secondary school transcript must be submitted directly from your school counselor or the designated official you have indicated on your official application. School officials must submit your transcript on your behalf through the Common Application or the Coalition/Scoir Application using the University of Rochester school code (002894). This transcript should include all grades from 9th through 11th grade.

Teacher recommendation (one required)

We require one teacher recommendation, however you may submit up to three. These may be from teachers in any academic area, but are typically teachers who have strong understanding of you as a student and person within your school community. Recommenders should submit your recommendation through the appropriate recommender process within Common Application or Coalition / Scoir Application portal, as the Office of Admission will not process documents submitted via email or postal mail.

School report/counselor recommendation

Your counselor must submit the School Report Form and their recommendation on your behalf. Documents must be submitted through the Common Application or Coalition / Scoir Application portal, as the Office of Admission will not process documents submitted via email or postal mail. This will also typically include a school profile, which is helpful for us in assessing your school’s curriculum and grading policies. It is important to request this from them as early as possible to avoid delays in completing your application by your intended deadline.

Mid-year report (when available)

The mid-year report is typically available after the completion of your first semester of 12th grade, and will be sent directly from your school. Documents must be submitted through the Common Application or Coalition / Scoir Application portal, as the Office of Admission will not process documents submitted via email or postal mail.

Final transcript (when available)

Should you be admitted to the University of Rochester and choose to enroll with us, you will be required to submit a final transcript (with formal graduation date) which will be available after your successful completion of high school. A GED is accepted in lieu of a diploma. Please note, failure to submit an official transcript will prohibit you from registering for future semesters. Documents should specifically indicate your date of graduation from high school/secondary school and must be submitted through the Common Application or Coalition / Scoir Application portal, as the Office of Admission will not process documents submitted via email or postal mail.

College transcript (if applicable)

If you have taken any college courses while in high school, you may submit an official transcript from the credit awarding school as part of your application. This transcript should be sent directly from the college or university using the University of Rochester school code (002894). Documents should specifically indicate your date of graduation from high school/secondary school and must be submitted through the Common Application or Coalition / Scoir Application portal, as the Office of Admission will not process documents submitted via email or postal mail.

University of Rochester Supplement and Essays

Applicants are required to complete the Rochester-specific questions of both the Common Application and the Coalition for College Application. This includes the supplemental essay.

Optional materials

You can also sign up for an interview (highly recommended) and/or submit the following optional materials directly through your MyROC portal.

Official test scores

The University of Rochester is a test-optional institution. Therefore you are not required to submit testing as part of your application. If you wish to have test scores considered during our review, we accept self-reported scores which you may include on your application or transcript, or upload to your MyROC account after you have applied. If you are admitted to the University and choose to enroll, you will be required to submit an official score report. More information regarding our test policy.

Links to electronic media

If you have media links you’d like to share as part of your application (YouTube videos, art portfolios, etc.), you will have the chance to upload those to your MyROC account after you have submitted your application.

Family/Peer Recommendation Form

We want to get to know who you are as a person, not just a student. Through a family or peer recommendation, we get to learn about your impact on your community and what kind of unique perspectives you might bring to ours. This recommendation may come from any member of your family, a close friend, coach, employer, or community leader who knows you well.Submit the Family/Peer Recommendation Form

Check your application status

You will be able to access your MyROC portal after you have submitted your application. You should check your portal regularly  to make sure we have everything on file. Please note that it can take up to two weeks for some paperwork to be manually processed.


Early decision

The early decision (ED) application process is designed for first-year applicants who are certain Rochester is their first-choice school.

We offer two rounds of early decision: November 1 (ED I) or January 5 (ED II).

Students who are interested in early decisions will need to submit their application and other materials by the appropriate deadline. Please read all of the information about dates and deadlines before applying early decision.

See dates & deadlines

Combined degree programs

Combined degree programs allow you to fast-track your master’s or other advanced degree, or to enroll in multiple University of Rochester schools at once.

To be considered for one of these programs, indicate the program you’re applying for in the application portal you’ve chosen. You will then be required to complete a short essay related to your interest in the program, Our counselors will consider your entire application along with any supporting materials.

Explore combined degrees

Financial aid

Investing in a quality education is a big decision. At Rochester, we provide a sound program of need-based financial assistance. Typical packages include scholarships, grants, loans, work-study, and outside awards.

Undergraduates applying as US citizens or eligible non-citizens must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for federal funding and the CSS Profile for University funding. We may request additional items once a financial aid counselor reviews your application.

Learn more about financial aid

Homeschooled students

A student meeting with a counselor and looking at a tablet screen.
Admissions counselors conduct a holistic review, considering a variety of factors, including many kinds of academic records. The self-directed curriculum makes Rochester an attractive and appropriate choice for students who have a homeschool education. We seek to understand how homeschooled applicants have learned from a variety of people and experiences.

Application requirements

To supplement the basic application components, homeschooled students must submit a comprehensive description of their program of study, including syllabi and a description of instruction methods and assessments for laboratory sciences. Competitive homeschooled students have completed at least four years each of English, mathematics, and history/social studies, and three years each of science and a foreign language

Students should also submit:

  • Any transcripts from accredited colleges or universities
  • At least one, and preferably two, letters of recommendation from outside instructors, volunteer or group supervisors, or employers

Homeschooled students are strongly encouraged to complete an interview prior to their application deadline.

Graduation requirements

Graduation requirements typically set forth by the state in which homeschooled students reside meet the academic requirements to be considered for admission. Most states require at least four years of English, three years of mathematics, four years of history/social studies, three years of science, and three years of a foreign language.

Homeschooled students should check their respective state requirements for graduation. If for any reason the curriculum differs from what a student has taken, an explanation about what the student has chosen versus what the state requires for graduation should be explained.

Financial aid and scholarships

Homeschooled students, like all Rochester applicants, can qualify for need-based financial aid and/or compete for merit scholarships.

Undocumented students

A student working at a laptop computer.

The University of Rochester is deeply committed to building an inclusive, accessible, and diverse community. In that spirit, we welcome first-year and transfer students who represent differences in religious beliefs, socioeconomic backgrounds, values, and points of view. This also includes non-US citizens and undocumented students—with or without Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

We’re committed to meeting 100 percent of the demonstrated financial need of all admitted students. Undocumented students are considered for need-based financial aid like any other US citizen or permanent resident. Undocumented students are also considered for merit scholarships.

Applying for admission

Undocumented students should follow the same application procedure for all applicants to the University of Rochester. You can apply under any admissions round (early decision, regular decision, transfer) regardless of citizenship status.

Your application will be classified as international for enrollment management purposes, but you will still be holistically reviewed in your high school context, and our system will automatically evaluate if you are eligible for an English Proficiency Exam Waiver based on your time studying in the United States. Contact the Office of Admissions if you have questions about requirements. Please note that the CSS Profile or International Financial Support Form (see next section) is required for all international students by the application deadline for your admissions round.


Applying for financial aid

Because federal financial aid is not available for undocumented students, Rochester provides institutional financial aid in its place, so a FAFSA is not required to apply for aid.

Instead, students should complete the following steps to apply for aid:

  1. Complete the International Student CSS Profile. If you qualified for a fee waiver for the SAT, you will automatically qualify for a fee waiver for the CSS Profile.
  2. If you or your parents/guardians file taxes, send required financial documents directly to the College Board’s Institutional Documentation Service (IDOC). (The citizenship status of your parents/guardians does not affect your eligibility to receive financial aid from Rochester.)
  3. If you or your parents/guardians do not file or will not file taxes, fill out a Nontax Filer Statement (found on the IDOC website) and send it directly to IDOC.
  4. Complete your financial aid application on time! Deadlines vary for early decision, regular decision, and transfer students. Visit our financial aid website for more information.

Please email our international financial aid counselor at with any questions.

Mixed Status Families and the FAFSA

All U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens may complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), regardless of their parent(s) citizenship status. The FAFSA is required for all types of federal financial aid and might be required for some forms of state and institutional aid.

Based on your dependency status, you may need to invite your parents or other individuals to share their financial information and sign your FAFSA; these roles are referred to in the FAFSA as “contributors”. It is possible for contributors to complete and sign a FAFSA even if they do not have a Social Security Number (SSN). Completing the contributor section of the FAFSA requires providing personal information such as full name, date of birth, and address to the federal government. Students who feel concerned about providing required information for contributors who do not have legal immigration status should discuss risks and benefits of applying for federal aid with their family. If the government already has contact information based on prior financial aid or immigration applications, then submitting the FAFSA does not pose a new risk.

  • We recommend this information hub for guides and the latest information.
  • The Department of Education periodically issues guidance.
  • New York State also issued guidance for those seeking state aid.
Support services

We have support services in place for students on campus who identify as undocumented, DACAmented, or asylum seekers.

Get more information

Legacy applicants

University of Rochester alumni are an integral part of our community and play an important role in telling our story to prospective students and parents far and wide. By extension we look forward to welcoming future generations of highly-qualified Rochester legacies to join the University family.

What is a legacy applicant?

A legacy applicant is someone who is the child/step-child or grandchild/step-grandchild of a Rochester graduate. Siblings/step-siblings of a current student or graduate are also considered legacies.

Applying for admission
  • Legacy students’ applications will be reviewed using the same holistic, multi-reader review process in which all applicants are reviewed.
  • Legacy applicants do not automatically receive special attention or consideration.
  • Students are not automatically admitted to the University of Rochester based on legacy status.