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URAdmissions features guest bloggers (both students and staff) who write about specialized programs, events, and opportunities at Rochester.


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February 28, 2018 | 12:28 pm

Film and Media Appreciation and Education

by Sara Kowalski, Class of 2017, Humanities Fellow Earlier this month, fellow blogger Jackie Heinzelmann wrote “Rochester: A City & Campus for Cinema,” where she listed her top five ways…

February 15, 2018 | 11:17 am

Digging up the Classics at Rochester

by Sara Kowalski, Class of 2017, Humanities Fellow What are the “classics?” The Odyssey and the Iliad? Anything written in Latin? Or are they something more—not only the texts, but…

February 14, 2018 | 12:04 pm

Living and Learning Religion at Rochester

by Sara Kowalski, Class of 2017, Humanities Fellow There are so many ways to get involved in religion on campus, whether you are a practitioner of a certain religion, you…

February 13, 2018 | 01:22 pm

Black Students’ Union Campus Events

by Jamal Holtz, Class of 2018 I hope your week is going well! As current students may know, the Black Students’ Union (BSU) wrapped up January with our step show, STOMP THE ROC.…

February 1, 2018 | 10:00 am

What to Do with an English Major

by Sara Kowalski, Class of 2017, Humanities Fellow The Undergraduate English Council holds two annual events: a graduate student meet-and-greet to discuss graduate program in English and a panel event…