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URAdmissions features guest bloggers (both students and staff) who write about specialized programs, events, and opportunities at Rochester.


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April 14, 2020 | 12:19 pm

2018 Simon Scholars Case Competition

by Isabella Barbagallo, Class of 2022, Individual Winner of  the 2018 Simon Scholars Case Competition  In January of 2018, I was a senior in high school preparing to attend the…

HEAL program
January 10, 2020 | 10:01 am

HEAL at Rochester

Health and Epidemiology Advanced Learning (HEAL) is one of the University of Rochester’s combined degree programs. It’s a five-year BA/BS + master’s program for students interested in epidemiology and public…

ufo at rochester
October 30, 2019 | 11:31 am

When a UFO Lands on Campus

by Linnie Schell, e5 student With an opening pitch of “Let’s fake an alien invasion,” I invariably was greeted with either excitement or abject puzzlement. I was always confused by the…

Emily T
Careers and Outcomes
October 28, 2019 | 11:30 am

The Power of Doubt

By: Emily Tworek, Class of 2020 When I was a junior in high school, I received a LOT of college mail. Flyers, cards, postcards, information packets, you name it. I…