Five Things To Consider While Applying To Colleges
With the deadlines for college applications approaching, many of you must be wondering, “Which colleges should I apply to?” So, to help guide your thought process, I’m going to count…
With the deadlines for college applications approaching, many of you must be wondering, “Which colleges should I apply to?” So, to help guide your thought process, I’m going to count…
One of the main reasons why I chose to attend the University of Rochester is because of its many musical opportunities and events. You can take free lessons at Eastman,…
On campus, the last of the vibrant leaves meander gradually to the ground from their arboreal abode, bolstered by the cool breeze. Time continues to fly by, encapsulated by the…
It’s the middle of November. The days are getting grim. The sun no longer shines like it used to. It snowed. Binge eating and drinking coffee are your number-one activities.…
To any high school seniors considering attending the University of Rochester, I strongly encourage taking part in a Research Rochester event. My first visit—and my experiences with students and faculty…
It’s about halfway through the semester and most freshmen are starting to get into the swing of things. They’ve figured out the tunnels and that tough professor’s expectations; maybe they’ve…
Before coming to the University of Rochester, I didn’t know what to expect. Certainly, I was excited for the experience. I recall the prior summer being dreadfully long. Still, I…
In high school, many seniors have a relatively straightforward post-graduation plan: go to college. Unlike high school seniors, seniors in college face a muddier choice: Should I pursue graduate schools…
It’s Monday. This is my first realization when I am woken up, early, by my roommate’s alarm ringtone, one of Fall Out Boy’s many rock numbers. It is immediately followed by…
The Pillow Family came back in Rochester for my second Meliora Weekend as a student. (Here’s a recap of my first year.) It was quite the adventure. Highlights from this year’s…