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URAdmissions features guest bloggers (both students and staff) who write about specialized programs, events, and opportunities at Rochester.


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Pre-College Programs
January 18, 2017 | 09:08 am

Pre-College Programs Testimonials

Name: Dylan Dailor     Hometown: Rochester, NY Program/Classes: Rochester Scholars Session A (War Room: Strategies of an American Battle Plan and Creative Music Making for Everyone) This is your…

January 13, 2017 | 10:08 am

How the Career Center Supports Students

by Jonathan Scott, Class of 2017 The University of Rochester has great resources for career advancement. The Gwen M. Greene Career & Internship Center offers many resources designed to get students…

November 4, 2016 | 12:08 pm

Rochester: A Great Place for Veterans

by Pat Toporzycki, Senior Associate Director, Director of VMFS On Veterans Day, it’s time to thank all those who have served to protect our freedom that many of us take…

Pre-College Programs
July 22, 2016 | 01:20 pm

The Life of Tobi: Your PCC

Hello, y’all! My name is Tobi Abubakare and I am one of your Pre-College Counselors (PCCs) for this summer. This is my first time participating in this program and my nerves…

Pre-College Programs
July 15, 2016 | 11:24 am

Mini Med: A Student Perspective

by Oluwatobi “Tobi” Abubakare, Class of 2017    Mini Medical School, a popular session in Rochester’s Pre-College Programs, is for students who have an interest in medicine, anatomy and physiology, neurology, psychiatry, or…

Pre-College Programs
July 8, 2016 | 02:13 pm

First Taste of College Life

by Jasmine Han, Pre-College Counselor Hello! My name is Jasmine and I’m part of the Class of 2019. I am on the pre-med track and potentially majoring in biochemistry while minoring…

Pre-College Programs
June 22, 2016 | 03:04 pm

Meet Our Graduate Head Counselors

A message from Katrina Hi, my name is Katrina and I want to welcome the parents and students of our Pre-College Programs to the University of Rochester! The University and…

May 27, 2016 | 12:34 pm

ROCAppella Music Festival

by Jalon Howard, Class of 2016, Kauffman Entrepreneurial Year student For many, the University of Rochester’s fifth-year programs offer an opportunity for students to extend their scope of knowledge and further…

May 13, 2016 | 03:16 pm

Annual Medical Education Conference 2016

by Funmi Ogunbufunmi, Class of 2018 The Annual Medical Education Conference (AMEC) hosted by the Student National Medical Association is an educational program that provides young aspiring doctors with connections, information, skills, and potential…