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3 Things I’m Glad I Did While at Rochester

Graduation is around the corner for me (still can’t believe it), and out of nostalgia, anxiety for the future, and lots of love for Rochester, I thought I would look back on three things I’m glad I did during my undergrad years at Rochester.


1. Study abroad.

During the spring semester of my junior year, I had an amazing opportunity to study abroad in Tokyo. If it weren’t for Rochester’s flexible curriculum and help of study abroad advisors, I don’t know if it would have been possible to spend an entire semester abroad. While in Tokyo, I learned a whole new language, made life-long friends who now live across the globe, and encountered monuments and art that I had only seen in textbooks. Not only did traveling to a different country open my eyes to a wider view of the world and education, but it also helped me learn social skills that just cannot be taught in the classroom.

2. Exploring different classes my first year.

I initially came into the University of Rochester with no idea about what I wanted to major in. It is good to have specific goals, but having no definite plan actually helped me to stay more open to different opportunities. I took various classes in neuroscience, marketing, and even religion. Eventually I found my love for art history, but this was only possible through the exploration of different classes during my first and sophomore year. College is a time to experience new things academically, and I’m glad I took advantage of this at Rochester.

3. Joining an organization.

I’m glad I didn’t just join an organization, but ran for an executive board (e-board) position! Not only is it fun to meet new people who share the same interests as you and plan events that will actually impact the school, but having an e-board position in a student organization looks great on a resume. I learned a lot of things about dealing with different people, planning events, as well as more technical things like advertising through social media with my position as publicity chair for a student organization. I’m really glad that I was able to get involved and work closely alongside other students who share the same passion for spreading Korean culture during my four years at Rochester.

With less than a month left of graduation, I wonder if I could have done things differently, and I am filled with a little bit of regret and sadness that I didn’t do more. But, looking back, I can definitely say that I will always cherish my time here at Rochester, all the memories and friends and learning that I’ve received, and I will take them with me to the future.