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Working on Campus?

When many students think about college, they think about going to class, studying, napping, and eating (or at least those are my thoughts). While all these are very important aspects of college, a significant number of students include a work study job in their college experience. These jobs can range from making drinks at Starbucks to doing research for a professor to giving tours for Admissions. It is hard for me to go into detail about every job offered on campus (and I know it may cut into your planned nap to prepare for college), but there is a student employment job board on our website that can help you get an idea of the jobs you could potentially have once you arrive on campus.

A couple questions may arise while you are thinking about working on campus. In order to answer these questions (the ones I guessed you may be thinking), I sat down with a couple student workers in the Financial Aid Office to get some candid answers.  I will apologize in advance for my poor filming skills.

I asked Gala, “How do you fit in working and classes?”

Trevor is involved with many activities on campus so I asked him, “How do you find a job on campus?”

Cameron is one of our senior workers in the office. I challenged him to answer, “What is the best part of working on campus?”

And finally, I asked Sara the most important question of all: “How do you get paid?”

So why did I spend my time putting together this blog on student employment? April 8th through April 12th marked Student Employment Week on campus. It is a time for every department to celebrate and thank their student workers for the great work they do. In Financial Aid, we have nine student workers who are all very valuable to us. I’m sure if you have called or stopped in the Financial Aid Office, they have helped you in one way or another.

While reviewing your financial aid package, if you have any questions or just want to talk to your counselor about your federal work study, just contact us via phone (585-275-3226), email, Twitter, or Facebook! We’ve enjoyed meeting all the incoming students during the 2017 Experience days.  If you didn’t get to visit, don’t worry! We are here year-round to help answer any questions you may have!

Do you work on campus, or plan to in the future? Comment below!

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