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Who Am I?

by Cherith Meeks

For starters, my name is Cherith Meeks. I am one of the Assistant Directors in the Financial Aid Office at the University of Rochester. I am fairly new to the university and I have loved meeting new people, learning about the institution, working with current and prospective students and their families and familiarizing myself with the beautiful university campus.

My degree is actually in Music Theory in Composition and in my spare time I write classical music as well as folk music. I am an accomplished pianist, vocalist and ukulele player. I fell into the Financial Aid world purely be accident, but I’m so glad I did! I love working with numbers and budgets. Helping students achieve their dreams of higher education is very important to me. I do a lot of personal budget counseling outside of the office and it’s something that I am very passionate about.

Some fun tidbits about me: I love the outdoors, especially hiking, swimming, kayaking and paddle boarding. I love roller coasters, cheese, sleeping, cooking and reading. I had the opportunity to live in Australia for a year when I first graduated from college, which was an amazing experience.

Throughout this year I will be posting information about the Financial Aid process, tips, and just keeping you posted on what our office is up to! I hope to have you stop back as we travel through the year together!

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