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When Spring Break Turns Into Winter Break and You’re Stuck on Campus

If you live in the area, or have recently checked the weather app in your phone, you know that spring break at the University of Rochester has felt more like winter break instead. The buses have been running, and dining hours reduced, all while snow has been falling from the sky. But what can you do if you’re stuck on campus and waiting for the temperatures to climb above freezing again? Here are seven ideas on how to keep your chill when the weather is already there!


Have a movie marathon

You’ve waited all of last week to finally get on spring break, and here you are: snowed in. But worry not! Maybe this is the universe telling you that you should take another look at that list of movies that keeps growing and pick something to watch. There’s nothing better than to cross off some of those movies that have been on that list forever, especially if all you can do is wait for it to stop snowing!

Order in

You have settled in and picked a movie, but now you’re unsure of how long you’ll be able to entertain yourself without going hungry? In that case, I’d say it’s a good thing there’s a variety of options for food available, even if that snow is keeping you indoors. Plus, think of all those times you wanted to order in, but didn’t—now’s your chance to treat yourself!

Go on a shopping spree

But maybe you’ve thought ahead, and the cold and snow doesn’t bother you that much. If so, how about stopping by Hillside Market? I’d suggest to do this sooner rather than later, especially if you’re expecting a selection of food, but late is better than never. And Hillside is guaranteed to have your back in terms of snack food!

Cook a meal

With all that shopping out of the way, you might as well plan to make a meal. If the Hillside shopping spree wasn’t enough, you can always stop by a local supermarket to get those last missing ingredients. Why not make it an event and invite your friends? That would definitely make time go quicker, and you’re getting home-cooked food out of it, too!


Explore the library

After all that watching and eating, your stomach now feels a little heavy and you might want to think about taking a walk. Where should you go, you ask? Well, since the outdoors has decided to be a sore loser, I’d suggest staying somewhere warm and cozy. The library is both of those! Taking it all in while you’re walking around, or looking for something specific to read, the library is a great place to go and spend some time in this crazy weather. Just make sure you don’t fall asleep in those comfy chairs… who knows who might have to wake you after hours!


Pick up a shift

If the first series of midterms didn’t completely distract you from checking the spring break weather and you saw this blizzard coming, you might have signed up to cover a shift or two of work. Of course, this possibility entirely depends on what your job is and whether your boss is in need of workers over break, but covering a shift does give you something do for a couple of hours.

Catch up on schoolwork

Finally, if you don’t have anything else going on, and the last six things on this list haven’t inspired you, there’s always schoolwork to come back to. If you’re like me, and the week before spring break was crazy and did not give you any time to do any of your usual work, take this week to catch up. Although it’s not as fun as watching a movie might be, you’ll feel good about yourself if you manage to at least get some of your work done. Take this time to get your good habits back in order!

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