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Tree Time at Rochester

When I was looking at schools, I looked at normal criteria: flexible curriculum, research opportunities for undergraduates, combined degree programs. Now, of course, the University of Rochester has all of these, but it also has another one of my personal criteria: trees.

This is another area in which the University of Rochester doesn't disappoint. There are trees all around campus. Trees, of course, are fun just to look at. But like everything else at Rochester, trees are just another thing to get you thinking creatively. On the residential quad, there are two trees that are the perfect distance apart for slacklining. I've also seen people set up a slackline between trees near Sue B., which is the dorm I live in.  Using yet another tree on the res quad, my friends and I have set up a rope swing. This is a great way to meet new people (who may or may not begin discussing the physics involved in the swing. Only at Rochester). The trees near the Goergen Athletic Center have Rochester-themed coverings crocheted and knitted by a club on campus. On one of the paths leaving campus, there is a giant tree broken into two pieces, one on either side. I'm fairly certain this is called the "Tree of Life," but I have freshman knowledge, so don't quote me.

But I'm not ready to leave this topic alone yet because trees have leaves, and in the fall, these leaves fall to the ground. And if you're a student whose fall has consisted of exams and papers, when you see a bunch of leaves, you get wicked excited because there are enough leaves for an awesome leaf pile. The Eastman Quad is a perfect place for such a pile, due to the presence of rather large trees.

So, one beautiful fall day, my friends and I made a leaf pile on Eastman Quad and jumped in it. While this was occurring, we noticed tour groups at the other end of the quad. Maybe you saw us, maybe you didn't. However, that Friday, nearly everyone who visited the University of Rochester website saw us. You see, Rochester has a neat thing called "Photo Friday" where the homepage background rotates between a few submitted photos. One of these photos was us in our leaf pile.

Trees may seem like a weird thing to consider when you're looking at a school, but it's the often ignored aspects that can determine whether or not you feel at home. Figure out what says home to you, and look for it at the colleges you visit. By now, the leaves are gone from Rochester's trees, but if you're visiting this winter, I won't say no to a snowball fight. . . .

(Photo credits: Jimmy Batchelder and Mitchell Gordon, respectively.)

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