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The Pleasure of the Public Market

Happy fall, y'all! It's getting cooler outside, leaves are changing colors, and Starbucks has been purveying pumpkin spice lattes for weeks now! As you settle in to the school year, and your new living situation, whether it's in Riverview or the new Brooks Crossing, off campus or on campus, we have some great tips for grocery shopping . . . at the Public Market!

Wallis Wallet would LOVE to help you save some money on your groceries!

The Public Market is a popular attraction in the Rochester area. It's been in place since 1905, and both bargains and local goodness abound! The Public Market is open year-round on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. They're located on 280 North Union Street. You can review the City of Rochester website to confirm their days and hours of operation.


When you're living on your own in college, particularly if you're living off campus or have a smaller meal plan, you're likely to need to branch out and cook a little bit more. The Public Market is the perfect place to pick up ingredients and goodies galore! Let me give you my top five tips for Public Market shopping:

  1. Shop around: Circle around a few times before making your picks. You can see which vendors are selling the items you're looking for, and who has the best prices. Before you purchase potatoes, make sure you've found the cheapest ones available!
  2. Bring a friend! Shop with a friend and share your purchases! If you go in on a bulk purchase together, you'll get an even cheaper price, and split the deal to get an ever-better bargain!
  3. Remember the seasons: This may sound obvious, but don't try to buy strawberries in the dead of winter. If they're shipped from miles across the country, the price is going to be steeper (and they're not going to be as fresh!). Also, farmers will drive up their prices if they are the first to have their product out at the beginning of the season, or the last to offer it at the end of the season! Make sure you're shopping in season for the items you want in order to secure the best price.
  4. Timing matters: If you arrive when the market opens first thing in the morning, you'll find a great selection of fresh food, but you'll have to pay prices as marked. If you arrive toward the end of the day, prices are often cheaper as farmers are trying to sell their remaining items before closing. But beware—they'll likely be the remaining items others have passed over. You'll have to weigh the costs and benefits and find a balance between quality and price.
  5. Find a cheap meal! There are some great food stands at the Public Market where you can grab a cheap meal with friends. From coffee to empanadas to breakfast sandwiches, they have it all!

So enjoy a trip to the Public Market! Take pleasure in finding great deals on tasty produce and more while taking part in a Rochester tradition. 

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