If you’re studying at the University of Rochester, you probably have an idea of how cold it gets. For those of you who are thinking of moving to Rochester for college, you might want to think about dealing with the winter season here.

Growing up in Bangladesh— a sunny & warm country, I never experienced winter like this. Winter back home is on the warmer side (26 degrees Celsius on a good day), and it doesn’t snow there either. While the winter may be a little rough here sometimes, I’ve loved Rochester for the snowy weekends in, comfortable and oversized hoodies, and hot chocolate season. I still love the snow, just as much as I did when I first saw it for the first time. However, there are some things I’d recommend if you’re not used to the snow like me.
- Invest in winter apparel
Trust me when I tell you this, but this coat will serve you 4 years (or more) in college. Through the wind advisory checks and the ice and snow. Invest in a good coat. It will hopefully protect you from the wind and honestly, the wind makes it feel way colder than it should be. If you’re an international student, buy your coat from the US. There will be a broader range of options here with coats better suited for the weather here.
Don’t forget to buy snow boots! Don’t fall for the same trap I fell for and buy cute fur boots with flat soles. These will ABSOLUTELY make you trip and fall on the icy ground. Try to look for boots will good grip, those that can withstand muddy snow tracks, slippery ice, and at least 1 foot of snow.
- Use the tunnels!
Our campus has a wonderful tunnel system that saved my life way more times than I can count. These tunnels are heated so you get to stay warm and make it to your class on time. You also get to not slip and fall on ice when you’re in a rush! Amazing, right?
- Blankets
There will be some nights when you’ll feel like your heater isn’t doing much. Instead of freezing overnight, you should get some comfortable, fuzzy, fluffy blankets. It’ll help you sleep better during cold nights and it’ll keep you warm. I’ve heard some good reviews about weighted blankets too. Our college gives out a lot of free merch over the semester as well— I’ve received one medium-sized UR themed blanket so far and will receive another blanket this semester.

You can also have fun in this weather, especially at the University of Rochester. We have our Winterfest Weekend every year where there are more free giveaways— everything from stuffed animals to mugs & water bottles. There is an amazing ice sculpting demonstration where they carve out Rush Rhees in ice! There are fire pits and s’mores if you’re more into socializing while eating marshmallows. This year, there was an indoor silent disco and a comedy show featuring Michael Che. My personal favorite is going ice skating with friends! I’m super bad at ice skating, but going with your loved ones makes it bearable. The most important tip I have for you all is to stay warm and take care of yourself!