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Summer Plans Are Looming

Summer is coming. Yes, its been an unusually long, harsh winter here in the US, but that is all going to be over and done with soon. This usually makes people tingle with excitement. But with that realization also comes the reality of, “What am I going to do this summer while on break from high school/college?”

So, for those of you who are getting started in the real world this coming summer and are looking at the possibility of jobs and internships, keeping that résumé handy might be a good thing to consider!

(Image courtesy:

You never know when opportunity comes knocking. (Additionally, it’ll be a great asset to come into college with experience and get on the search for a college job, internship, or shadowing in URMC!) A pre-written résumé that you can keep editing as you go along and add more achievements to your bundle is a good gem to keep with you. It saves time, gives you something to build on, and you can constantly improve on it with outside inputs! I wrote my first résumé for my undergraduate applications and have been editing it ever since with constant input from various sources: career building and professional mediums, people out in the field, campus career counselors, etc.

Here are sumé tips from the Harvard Business Review on how to create a résumé that could catch the eye of that HR in charge. To sum up what the HBR recommends, a résumé worth reading for the HR department is one that screams “realistic, not too over-the-top, but enthusiastic and passionate.”

The Gwen M. Greene Career & Internship Center is another great resource on campus to perfect that résumé. There are plenty of resources available on their website and in person. In addition, students are given the opportunity to be mentored by peer advisors and career advisors on a one-on-one basis for that next summer internship, future job, or career goals.

Happy spring (don’t worry its almost here…)!

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