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3 Ways to Get Healthy This Semester

Hey everyone,

Yesterday was the first day of the second semester and it was definitely great to be back at UR. I’ve seen most of my friends already, and every reunion has been a smile- and hug-filled occasion. I’d already spent an hour and a half at the gym and gone to my first class and it was only 11:08 a.m. Here are my three goals for the semester (you should try them, too):

Work out in the A.M.
My friends think I’m crazy but the plan this semester is to wake up at 7:40 and go to the gym Monday through Thursday (and usually Friday). To start off, our athletic facilities are amazing, which makes working out much more enjoyable. Also, working out in the morning is the pro move, because most of your peers are still dead asleep at that time, and the gym is much less crowded than during the afternoon. I also definitely recommend looking into the various sports and athletic clubs that are available to you at the University of Rochester.

Regulate your sleep schedule.
One problem that most kids do not anticipate is the amount of time management that is required to balance all of your activities at college. Many of my friends are sleep deprived after the first week of classes, and end up living really weird schedules because they don’t take control of their schedule. I find that working out or being involved in activities helps to keep me on a regular schedule. I think it’s especially important to live a normal schedule during the winter because of the limited sunshine available. In Rochester, it tends to get dark close to 5 p.m. during the darkest parts of the year. If you sleep in until noon, you’re going to end up with a vitamin D deficiency and a nocturnal lifestyle.

Eat healthier.
I’m not going to lie to you—outside of the expected health benefits of working out and its impact on developing a normal sleep schedule, I enjoy the increase in my appetite because I actually enjoy the food here! I think the few people who complain about the food here have no idea how lucky we are compared to other schools (or they all grew up eating gourmet food). I eat way healthier here than at home and I feel more energetic and productive! Also, rumor has it that they're serving Mel burgers at the pit now, and they are absolutely delicious. If you get the chance on one of your visits, definitely eat at The Meliora (after you try out the dining halls!) I got a water boiler for Christmas so I can brew my own tea and coffee. So, my goal is to save my declining balance and spend it primarily on eating delicious burritos and Mel burgers.

Although I did enjoy my break (except getting my wisdom teeth removed), it’s definitely great to be back on campus! I feel like I’ve already accomplished more than I did all break, and being on campus is just a better environment for me. I’m definitely stoked for this upcoming semester.

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