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Saying Goodbye…

Goodbye. One of the hardest things to do in any situation. It is a moment of mixed emotions. MANY mixed emotions. Sadness, anxiousness, happiness, nervousness… The list goes on, and is different for everyone.

Move-in day is Wednesday, August 24, for the University of Rochester Class of 2015. Some have already said their goodbyes to their homes before this day, but many have waited until the last minute. This past week has been weird for me. I have been so excited for college, telling myself I was ready for it back in junior year. I never thought about the goodbyes, though. My mind was too wrapped up in other things.

I know I am not really leaving my hometown, so there isn’t much to say goodbye to in that sense. Even if I was leaving, I don’t think it would be that hard. I mean, I love it here in Rochester, but I have always wanted to travel the world, so if I was going far away for college, it would just be a preview of my future. However, because of certain situations, I have not even seen my immediate family this summer, as I moved out at the start of it. So really, I already said goodbye to them. I know for many others, though, saying goodbye to family is going to be the hardest part. Some are really close to their families, I am sure, so I couldn’t imagine having to leave that. It would be a crazy change. Really, in the end, I am just saying goodbye to routine, for the most part. My pretty steady schedule of work, parties, friends, and random outings will no longer be part of my life. But that does not sadden me. Making new friends is going to be awesome, going to the University of Rochester is going to be awesome, and basically my new life is just going to be AWESOME.

Since I am staying here for school, most of my friends are the ones that are saying the list of goodbyes. They are the ones leaving. I know how they all feel, but for me, whenever they come back, whether it is a random weekend or a long break, I will be here, even if our breaks don’t correspond. That is reassuring for me. However, I do have some really close friends I know I will miss seeing in person often, so when they come back, it is going to be extra special. Saying goodbye to these friends was my biggest goodbye, and my biggest challenge.

On August 20, three of my best friends left Rochester for their move-in day at SUNY Fredonia, about two hours away. I made sure to say goodbye to all of them, but one of them has been the closest friend I ever had. I stayed at her house until 3 in the morning the day she was supposed to leave. It was not easy saying goodbye. But, in the end, I never said goodbye. I said something much more truthful. I said “See you later.”

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