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Ronald McDonald House Service

Since I was young, I have been taught the importance of being thankful, and of giving a helping hand to those who are less fortunate and those in need. So a week ago on a chilly Saturday morning, I rolled out of bed at 7 a.m. (even earlier than I usually do on weekdays!) and went to Ronald McDonald House with UR Habitat and served breakfast there.

Ronald McDonald House, located on Westmoreland Drive (i.e., a five-minute driving distance from River Campus), provides a warm and comfortable "home away from home" for families staying in Rochester for their child's medical care. We arrived at Ronald McDonald House promptly at 8:00, and once we got there, we hurriedly unpacked the materials we brought and started cooking (since breakfast is served at 8:30). We prepared bagels and cream cheese, bacon, scrambled eggs, pancakes, as well as apple sauce and raisins.

I was never a good cook, but on that day, I took up the role of making pancakes. It looked pretty easy in the beginning—I only had to measure out the correct amount of pancake mixture and water. The challenge was in cooking and flipping the pancakes. The first pancake that I made did not turn out well; it was not in a nice shape, nor was it cooked evenly on both sides, so it ended up being eaten up by me. Luckily, practice does make perfect, and soon I was able to make some really good pancakes! 

It was a tiring morning, but it was indeed a nice experience to serve and learn more about the Rochester community. : )


P.S. Here is a photo I took outside Hopeman Engineering Building. I love the colors!

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