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Relaxing the Stress Away

My life as a student gets pretty busy: classes, labs, independent research, jobs, and four or five of our 250+ student organizations. Plus I have friends who occasionally want to hang out with me. It can be a lot to handle. Some days, I feel like this:


But more commonly, I feel like this:


What's the secret, you ask? Is it the superb study habits I learned from our Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL)? Is it the time management skills I've developed from being an engineer on three separate clubs' executive boards? The secret, my Internet friends, is learning how to relax.

The University of Rochester provides many outlets to students for stress relief. My personal favorite is the free yoga classes offered by the Goergen Athletic Center. There's also Paws for Stress, which is a program that brings adorable puppies to campus to help students relax. The Interfaith Chapel has recently introduced a Labyrinth Walk as a form of active meditation. If you need a way to relax, there are plenty of options to choose from.

So if you're feeling stressed about your senior year and the college application process, do some stretches, pet a fluffy puppy, or sit back and dream of Rochester.



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