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Presidential Debate

Classes are now in full swing and everyone is starting to buckle down. I've been doing the same myself, so I've led a bit of a dreary life lately. However, I did get a chance to watch the presidential debate last night. I love to watch a good discussion and I'm glad I was able to see this one. Both sides brought up good points, which is necessary for our progression as a nation. Differences in opinion are not necessarily bad — often times they are good. Hearing another's perspective opens your eyes to more possibilities than you yourself could imagine.

Discussion is a great consequence of the debate. Even if it doesn't go anywhere, even if people just spin their tires, true discussion is what is needed. I'm sure the debate will be on the lips of students for the next few days. And what better place to have it than the University of Rochester? I've always felt that students here are so open to discussion and new ideas. You can see it daily with how friendly other students are, but it is great to experience it on even a small level.

To continue on another example of friendliness, I'd like to look back to Orientation. The week is now well over, but the impact certainly is not. I've had tons of people come up to me and thank me for all the work I did this Orientation. I humbly thank them and continue with the conversation, but I don't think they really are thanking me for the work I put in. 10 hours, 20 hours, 100 hours, what difference does it actually make how long it took to plan something? They are thanking me for the time they had when they first arrived. They are thanking me for being a part (a very small part) of guiding them in becoming the college student they now are. And truly that is the best thanks I can receive. Knowing that I made a positive difference is the best feeling.

Anyway, there are a lot of things I'm looking forward to for the next few weeks. On another note, I'm hoping the NHL lockout will finally end soon and I can get back to watching the Sabres!

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