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Meet Kate

Meet a Handler Scholar!

Name: Kate Hidalgo

What are you studying at Rochester? Political Science and Business

From: Westchester, NY

Extracurricular Activities: Class Council, PRSO, 1st Gen Society, SOCA, MELFIG, Delta Gamma, CPA

How has the Handler Scholarship impacted your life?

The Handler Scholarship has impacted me tremendously; I always knew I wanted to go to pursue higher education but I didn’t know if it was possible. As a first-generation low-income Latina the whole college process was daunting. My parents have only high school degrees and my grandparents never even finished elementary school. The Handler Scholarship has not only lifted the financial burden of University off of my family but it also provides each scholar with an amazing support system that we all need. For the first time in my life I have been able to focus on myself, my education, and my career goals without the stress of finances and the “not knowing.” As a first-generation student I had no knowledge of what college would be like or even the job opportunities after college. As a scholar we receive an amazing support team (Handler family) that helps us through every step of our college journey. With them I was able to gain the confidence to apply to internships as a freshman and they have helped me grow so much as a person. Overall, I am so grateful for this opportunity. I have met some of the most amazing people through the scholarship and I really don’t know where I would be without my Handler family.

What has been your most meaningful experience as a Handler Scholar?

I remember coming to campus for the first time and stepping foot into my classes. By the second week I was starting to have imposter syndrome and felt like I didn’t belong amongst my peers. Some spoke about their lake houses, all the APs their high schools provided, and their 4.0 GPAs. I remember thinking “how am I supposed to compete with them”. I went to some of my Handler family with these thoughts and they reassured me that I belonged here and most importantly I deserved it. We shared high school stories and all the struggles we have overcome. From then on I never looked back and continued to be proud of my background and myself.

What does Meliora mean to you?

I love our motto “Meliora” because it means something different for everyone. To me it means to always strive for the better – both within myself and society. This motto helps create a motivational environment throughout the entire campus.

How do you plan to make your community and/or the world ever better?

After college I am hoping to start mentorship programs in low-income high schools in order to increase applications to top universities. I have seen how much the University does to help its underrepresented students but we need more students to apply to universities such as this one. A lot of students of color undersell themselves (I did) – and they don’t even try applying to private universities. I want to help change this and bridge the gap between students of color and higher education. Another goal of mine is to share the importance of financial literacy to those in my community. I have already started to do this with my family and friends but I am hoping that once I graduate I can start expanding my reach. I am hoping that I can use my education to help better the lives of others by helping them receive the resources/information they otherwise might not have.

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