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Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!

As a senior, I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been asked what I’m doing next year. Everyone’s curiosity has only increased as we get closer and closer to graduation, but I still have the same answer: I’m spending the summer in Rochester for an internship, but I’m still waiting to hear back from everything I applied for for next year. I feel just like I did during my senior year of high school when I was waiting to hear back from colleges: excited about the possibilities, but very unsure of where I would actually end up. Though the job search process can be complicated and frustrating at times, the Gwen M. Greene Career and Internship Center has been very helpful in a variety of ways:

  1. It helped me get internships.
    I had an internship in Rochester the summer after sophomore year, and I found it and applied via CareerLink, a job board on the career center’s website. I first heard about my internship for this summer during a talk that they organized with an alumna who works for the organization. They can help you find internships in other cities too!
  2. It helped me with my résumé.
    When I first went to the career center my sophomore year, I had no idea how to make a résumé. I brought along a list of my qualifications and past work experience, and my career counselor helped me completely reformat it and make it look awesome. I also learned how to write a cover letter, and how to prepare for an interview.
  3. It has really helpful information sessions.
    This year, I’ve gone to talks about how to work abroad (which I’m hoping to do next year!) and how to apply to law school (which I may be doing in a year or two). They have info sessions about a ton of other post-grad opportunities as well. It’s a great way to get an in-depth overview of whatever you’re interested in pursuing.

Basically, the Gwen M. Greene Career and Internship Center has helped me tremendously. I know that it seems early to be thinking about life after college before you even get here, but trust me, having such great resources will make preparing for the workforce or graduate school much less stressful!

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