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It’s Officially Winter in Rochester

I am not one to be happy about snow and the cold, and this year honestly is no different. However, I am from the area, and nineteen years of Rochester winters wears on you.

But I can tell some people that have dealt with snow as long or longer than I have still love it, and those who do not deal with snow that often get so excited when it snows here. Well, all the snow lovers are in luck, because in the past week it has been snowing every day and it is supposed to continue. When everyone comes back, they will be greeted by a white Rochester.

Rochester is known for very unpredictable weather and even whole seasons. Last winter we barely got any snowfall, but already this year, we have more than I would like to deal with. Rochester is not the only place in the world that has this crazy weather, but it is one thing that all students, no matter where they are from, have in common. Bring back your snow boots, gloves, and heavy coats, because you'll need it!

I always like to say that the University of Rochester is the best institution one could decide to apply to and attend. Whether this is true or not, everyone has to consider the weather. Be prepared to deal with potentially harsh winters, mounds of snow, bitter cold, and unpredictable conditions. But at the same time, you get a lot of help. Plows running all day and night, constant salt machines to melt ice, warm enclosed tunnels to travel around campus, and warm transportation. 

I am really enjoying winter break, but am jealous for all of those who are from the south and warmer weather. But for all of those snow lovers out there, you will be extremely happy when you come back to campus!

Does snow make you want to go sledding and make snow angels or does it make you just want to hibernate until spring?

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