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How To NOT Be a Lazy Senior!

Many of you are seniors in high school, and now I’m a senior in college! I cannot help but think about being lazy. It’s so hard to be motivated because all I want to do is hang out with my friends all the time. But I think the single most effective way to stay productive is to just do whatever you’d like! No, not watch TV all day, but rather, try to launch a new project or initiative. Below are a few examples of the projects and initiatives I’ve started to work on as I start my senior year. It is fun, productive, and most importantly, these are projects and ideas that I can be in control of—it’s what I want to be doing! It’s all possible with good study habits, our open curriculum, and the students contributing to our campus diversity.

1. Networking guide

I am a Student Alumni Ambassador and I created a networking guide to help my fellow SAAs heighten their networking skills. This was an initiative I started on my own to improve my ability to teach the importance and principles of networking, as it is a topic I’m extremely passionate about. I also hope to make a PowerPoint presentation on the material. I am by no means an expert in the area of networking, but I want to explore it further.

2. Microbiology independent research

I am not a microbiology major or anything like that, but I simply wanted to learn more about the subject. I created an independent study opportunity with a professor at the School of Medicine, and I’m now launching a project looking at the recombinant ectromelia virus, a very cool and unique project. I’ve studied viruses from the public health side, and now I’ll get to look at the microbiological side of it as well.

3. Presentation on Ladakh

I traveled to Ladakh, India, this summer, and I designed a PowerPoint presentation on my trip, highlighting the importance of community engagement. I’ve already presented this talk as a guest lecturer to a public health class on campus, and I’ve also been invited to speak during Meliora Weekend as well, which is a huge honor!

4. Senior Class Council gift drive

I’ve taken on the task of running the senior class gift drive, along with my co-chair, Katherine Wegman. Together, we will be working, mostly in the spring, to encourage students to give back to their favorite organizations on campus, hoping to reach an all-time high of student participation by percentage.

These are just a few of the projects I’m working on this fall, and I hope to post again in the spring on the status of each of the items mentioned above! What are you doing in your senior year to stay productive?

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