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How a Business Major Found Himself in Theatre

Last weekend, I had the pleasure of seeing my own one-act play performed at the University of Rochester's International Theatre Department in Todd Union. My play was formally chosen back in January for the 16th Annual Rochester One-Act Festival. Ever since, I had been waiting on pins and needles to see it. Good news: the theater team was incredible! Seeing my characters come to life was one of the most exciting things I've ever experienced as a writer. 

When the festivities ended, I walked away with a group of new friends, the Best Writer award!, some prize money, and, of course, a new title to be placed at the end of my name: Kevin Carr, Playwright. 

Interestingly enough, I came to Rochester to study small and start-up business with a self-designed entrepreneurship major. Business, business, business. However, I've always loved to write; a creative writing minor was initially part of the plan (since coming to Rochester I've decided to get a dual degree in English on the creative writing track), but still, theatre was never in the picture. In fact, if it wasn't for a playwright course from the English department, back in the fall semester, my one-act play would've never happened! 

So there you go. You never know what will happen at Rochester; really, that is why I love it here. It seems there is never a shortage of opportunities to test my limits and expand my horizons. Sometimes you just have to take a chance and jump in. Like, say, take a course in playwriting even if you're scared out of your wits to do so. 

Maybe that's what entrepreneurship is all about. 

My Cast

The cast of my play, Famous Writers in Hell

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