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Flower City

The end of May here in Rochester was all about the Lilac Festival. This is when everyone goes to Highland Park and walks around looking at the beautiful flowers on the trail, and there are a lot of activities and events going on. I personally just went my first time this year with my best friend, but she thought I was crazy for never going before—which I am, since it is a huge annual event in this city. I just never had a reason to go, or anyone to go with.

I didn’t really know what to expect. No one really told me what goes on anyway. All I knew was that, this year, people were upset because the whole week was rainy and wet, so not many people wanted to go and walk around in that. I went the last weekend it was going on, on the one day it happened to be hot and sunny. I love those kinds of days. Anyway, it seemed like everyone else wanted to go that day too. It took us an hour to find a parking spot, and then it was the most crowded place I have ever been. Since it was my first time, I couldn’t tell if it was always like this, or if just because of said circumstance everyone decided to come that day. Either way, it was packed. Walking around, there were a lot of different food vendors, which I ended up enjoying greatly, but also there were other tents and stands with people selling lots of interesting things. I remember seeing clothes, jewelry, and even car insurance. Other tents had activities, like sand art. I didn’t partake in any of this, but it was still cool to walk around and see everything.

Another cool aspect of the Lilac Festival is the jazz music. Throughout the festival, you will find bands and performers playing for the people, but at one point it’s all about jazz. My high school jazz band went there one of the days and played for it, which is really cool. Jazz actually seems pretty prevalent in Rochester. Between Eastman, cafés, and jazz bands around the city, there is plenty of supply for this part of the festival. Rochester is a music city, and I love when there is the opportunity to see it, hear it, and have it shown to the public.

And of course, about what the festival is founded on, the lilacs were in full bloom. Walking through where they are planted, you are surrounded by their aroma and color. They are beautiful flowers, and you could see people taking pictures by them, laying down around them, and even picnicking. It was really cool to see the community all come together, even if not with each other, but around each other to see and be part of one event. I feel like it is very important to our city.

So, although it took me 17 years to finally go to the Lilac Festival, I am glad that I did get to go, especially with my best friend. And I also am glad the Rapture didn’t happen when I was there. Even though college is out by the time the Lilac Fest rolls around, maybe next year or the following years, people can stay around a little longer to be a part of it and see how wonderful this city really is!  =)

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