To tell you the truth, it's still amazing the feeling that one gets inside the UN! But man, I was happy when I took my first breath out of the train in Rochester! I love New York City, I do, but for some reason this time, I felt like a stranger. I felt that I am being followed by the buildings, by the cars, and by the people. It's like everything got tighter, and I don't know why! Maybe because I am going through bad times, missing school, and I know for a fact that when I get back, I will have a lot of classes to make up for. Even though every single one of my teachers assured me that it will be fine, I couldn't really feel ok with it; it's just that feeling! Not doing my work, I felt so guilty!
The experience I had is indescribable, as anyone can imagine. I know I said I was sad, but that is ok, it does not at all affect the greatness of what I had experienced. I spent the days preceding my presentation attending sessions by amazing women. Then the 29th came, and I was barely prepared for my presentation. I finished my notes and went over them at night. I went that day prepared and all. I even put on my favorite scarf, a gift from a person that's dear to my heart (I wanted to feel that person with me). Then when my turn came up, OMG! I don't know why, but I choked and felt overwhelmed. I didn't even use my notes. Nevertheless I did a good job, and that what I have been told.

I skipped a week here and I have A LOT to catch up on. Plus, this week is filled with homework, deadlines, and midterms. My teachers were really nice and helped me to get everything arranged. They were really understanding, and gave me more time for homework and delayed my exams for the next week. Yup, that's how we roll at the University of Rochester.
A lot happened this past week, but I will not be able to tell you all of it now! Maybe later . . . Goodnight!