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Campus Event: Kick Away Cancer!

For the past several months, two of my good friends and soccer teammates have been working with UR Golden Key Honor Society to organize a Breast Cancer Awarness event in honor of our friend, Danielle. The event was sponsored not only by the honor society but by UR Women's Soccer, UR Men's Soccer, Delta Gamma Sorority, Colleges Against Cancer, and the UR Equestrian Team. To have involvement from the honor society, the athletic department, club sports, and Greek Life really shows the collaborative nature of our university. All of these organizations have meant a lot to Danielle and we wanted to show her our continued support.

The event was September 22, and was a kickball tournament called "Kick Away Cancer." I was so proud of the turnout from all the sponsoring organizations and other groups on campus. There was a DJ and tie-dying, so the event was fun for spectators as well. The event was registered with Susan G. Komen's 'Passionately Pink' campaign, so we received stickers, buttons, and other materials to help raise awareness.

Our Varsity soccer team made multiple teams to participate in the event. This is just one example of the fun we have off the field; aside from the intensity of our daily training and competitive game schedule.  Below are many pictures from the event. . . .

Danielle, Erin, and myself:

Kick Away Cancer

Women's Varsity Soccer Team:

Kick Away Cancer Women's Varsity Soccer

Delta Gamma Sorority:

Kick Away Cancer Delta Gamma Sorority

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