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URAdmissions features guest bloggers (both students and staff) who write about specialized programs, events, and opportunities at Rochester.


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May 6, 2015 | 02:00 pm

Entrepreneurship: What Does It Actually Mean?

by Jesse Reichenstein, member of the Class of 2016 and president of Spark Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship (n) en·tre·pre·neur·ship: A word most of us have probably heard but are still kind of unclear on what…

Pre-College Programs
November 13, 2014 | 08:00 pm

A Pre-College Summer Fellow Experience

While the Office of Pre-College Programs at the University of Rochester is busy finalizing logistics and exciting new offering for next summer, we wanted to share the experience of one…

Pre-College Programs
July 29, 2014 | 05:50 pm

Around the World in Two Hours Flat

Written by Sophie Zhang, University of Rochester Class of 2017, Pre-College Counselor During this summer's Pre-College sessions, our very own counselors held the first of three "Around the World" programs.…

Pre-College Programs
July 5, 2014 | 04:04 pm

A Game of Pre-College Staff Bonding

Written by Joseph Orman, University of Rochester Class of 2017, Pre-College Counselor and Pre-College Programs alumnus As a Pre-College alumn, if there was one word I would use to describe…

High School
May 21, 2014 | 08:14 pm

Meet Our 2014 Pre-College Counseling Staff

Written by Ellie Law, Graduate Head Counselor, Pre-College Programs In just over a month, Pre-College Programs 2014 will be underway! As Graduate Head Counselor for this summer, I am looking forward…