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An Interview with White House Intern Tory Tilton

We interviewed recent grad Tory Tilton, currently an intern at the White House, and asked her about her experiences in D.C. and at Rochester.

University of Rochester: Please introduce yourself for our readers.

TT: Tory Tilton, Class of 2012, Sycamore, IL. I'm a double major in international relations and religion, minoring in Russian studies. My extracurricular activities at Rochester include varsity women’s soccer, Meridian, teaching assistant, and research assistant. My current title is as a White House intern in the Office of Presidential Correspondence.

UR: How did your time at Rochester prepare you for your current position as a White House intern?

TT: In both environments, I have been surrounded by exceptionally ambitious young people. My peers at Rochester motivated me to work harder and be better, similar to my fellow interns now.

UR: How did you learn about this internship? What made you want to pursue the opportunity?

TT: I was interning in D.C. for a different organization last summer. At the time, Ezra Mechaber, Class of 2011, was a White House intern and offered me a tour of the East Wing. Sharing his experience with me was inspiring and I decided to apply the following year.

UR: What is life like as a White House intern?

TT: Life is quite incredible. It’s often a balancing act between working hard and enjoying the surreal opportunities the program presents, such as a weekly speaker series from a White House staff member or giving tours of the East Wing.

UR: What do you miss most about Rochester?

TT: Like most of my peers, I miss my Rochester friends a great deal. I wasn’t able to visit for Meliora Weekend, so I am hoping to make it back there soon.

UR: What is the biggest change from university life?

TT: In school, your work is a direct product and reflection of yourself. In the work environment, especially in this position, you realize you are working for something much greater than yourself. With that realization comes greater awareness and caution.

UR: I know you were a soccer player in collegeany chance to keep playing now?  Any secret pickup games between White House interns and Congressional pages?

TT: Unfortunately, I haven’t had the chance to play any soccer in D.C. yet.

UR: The big question, have you had the chance to meet President Obama?

TT: Yes, President Obama spoke to our internship class recently. He answered questions and took a photo with the class.