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Alternative Spring Break with Habitat

This past spring break, I went somewhere warm with a group of fellow college students. However, instead of going with just the intention of relaxing in the sun, we went to volunteer. Fifteen University of Rochester students, including myself, drove to Goldsboro, North Carolina to spend a week building houses at a Habitat for Humanity build site (the campus chapter of Habitat plans an Alternative Spring Break trip every year, and you don’t have to be a member to attend. I had originally applied last year, but ended up taking a welding class instead).

We spent the week working on three houses, including roofing, flooring, putting up insulation, and installing doors and windows. Some of the members of our group even designed and constructed a bench with a removable table for one of the families (applying their beam analysis knowledge outside of a classroom atmosphere). I also had the opportunity to meet and talk to some of the future homeowners (who must contribute 300 hours of “sweat equity” before and during the build time of their house), which was very rewarding.

One of three houses we worked on. It was just a frame before we started!

Of course, it wasn’t all work and no play. We did have one day off during which we went to Carolina Beach and relaxed on the shore. We also had plenty of time at night to relax and hang out with each other and with students from the other three schools who were also at the build site with us.

It was snowing in Rochester when this picture was taken.

Habitat for Humanity’s trip was just one of the many alternative spring breaks offered through Rochester this year. A friend of mine went to Honduras and helped build a school, while another went to Baltimore. And community service doesn’t have to be confined to your spring break. There are plenty of opportunities on campus to become involved and give back!

And yes, in case you were wondering, I did get another shirt.

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