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A (Brief-ish) Introduction


I am a senior admissions counselor for the University of Rochester. I currently recruit students in Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky, and New York City. So if you see a slightly shaggy-haired guy at a college fair behind a Rochester banner in one of those parts of the country . . . that would (probably) be me.

I’ve been in Admissions at UR since 2007, and I'm an alumnus of Rochester's Warner School of Education and Human Development, where I received my MS in higher education administration. I’m also a Rochester native, and I still live in the ROC (or so the kids call “the city”), and I live in the best neighborhood there is, Swillberg (sorry, Park Ave fans. You’re still pretty awesome, though). When I’m not traveling around the country or reading applications for admission, you’ll probably find me at Wegmans (the best grocery store in the history of humanity, trust me), grabbing breakfast at the South Wedge Diner, feeding my inner music nerd at Lakeshore Records, or on my way to a Buffalo Bills home game.

I am excited to share with you all some stories from the road, some stories from home, and some photos of both!

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