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5 Studying Tips for Finals

Hi everyone! It’s December, and we all know what that means… FINALS! If you’re like me, and get super stressed during exam times, don’t worry! Here are some tips to help you study and succeed this exam season:

1. Take breaks 

This might seem unusual, but one of the most helpful things during finals week is taking breaks from studying. Throughout reading period, different clubs and organizations hold study breaks to help you de-stress. Be it through making a gingerbread house, painting a mug or petting therapy dogs, there are many different ways for you to take a break and relax for a bit.

You can also take a break by taking a shower, doing laundry, watching a movie or TV show, or the healthier option of exercising. The Athletic Center is open during reading period and finals, so you’re all set if you wanna burn some stress in the gym.

PAWS brings cute dogs to campus!

2. Review sessions and office hours

If your classes offer review sessions and exam office hours, I would highly recommend going. Usually, professors and teaching assistants go over the most important materials of the course syllabus, which is super helpful for the exam. So, if you’re behind on some lectures or concepts, going to a review session or office hours can help you get caught up. It will also give you an opportunity to ask questions and make it easier to understand things you are struggling with, which is great!

3. Tutoring at CETL

Let’s say that you realize that you need additional help in learning the material for your classes, and the professor or teaching assistants are swamped. Well, guess what? There’s another very important and useful resource on campus, and it’s called CETL (Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning). CETL coordinates the tutoring program, which is a free service for all UR students. All you have to do is sign up for a tutor (for your required course) and you’re good to go!

CETL tutoring

4. Study group 

Another way of studying and being productive is by forming a study group. I would totally recommend getting together with a few friends, finding a quiet spot in the library, and cranking it out. I find that when I’m studying with people in my classes, it ends up helping me go over my own knowledge of the concepts and also work in a group to tackle the harder problems. It’s always great to realize you’re not the only one struggling with the material, and has honestly helped me with becoming more confident in my abilities.


Though it might seem weird coming from me (given that I do panic over exams a lot), but my advice to you would be to RELAX! After two years of constant testing and being scared of exams, I can tell you that panicking does not add anything but more stress to your situation. In hindsight, I wish I had taken care of myself more (like actually slept and ate like a normal human being should), and not focused so much on exams, to the point of unhealthiness. No one tells you this, but one exam in one class in college does not have much of an impact on your life. So, that’s all the more reason to take care of yourself, eat, sleep, breathe and enjoy the end of your semester.

Coloring is a great way to relax!

Good luck to all of you from my side!