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The Bite-Sized Bucket List (Come On, Let’s Be Real Here!)

After nearly four years in Rochester, this place has become one of my many “homes.” This spring semester, realization hit home; I might only have four more months in Rochester because I don’t know where I am definitely going to be next. It brought with it bittersweet memories. Needless to say though, this life where international students are constantly on the move comes to define us and become an important part of who we are. Making friends wherever we go, striking up conversations with people beside us on trans-Atlantic flights (yes, this happens very often), checking out restaurant reviews on Yelp even before we get to the destination, knowing the ins and outs of airports… I can go on and on (actually, I might draw up a list soon!). It becomes commonplace, and something so normal that we’ve come to disregard how unique and important these quirky traits are. There isn’t any turning back, second thought or even consciousness as you may put it.

Sadly enough, with four definitive months to go for the countdown, I don’t want Rochester to become “commonplace”—just another destination on my travels. Rochester has grown and nurtured me into who I am today and I definitely plan for it to remain etched in my mind forever. When I was asked what I was going to blog about this last semester of mine, I decided to come up with my very own bite-sized bucket list for exactly this purpose.

1. Skiiing on Bristol Mountain

I’ve never gone skiing, let alone seen an actually snow covered mountain in the USA. Being only an hour’s drive away, this is definitely what I should be doing on a weekend. Rent out those skis, learn the basics and get to skiing!

Bristol Mountain ski slopes


2. Get into a car and drive through beautiful Upstate NY

The Finger Lakes region is gorgeous, especially during the fall and spring. Now that I even have my driving license, it’s time to hop into a car, turn the music up, and just drive! That is, when the weather gets better…

The Finger Lakes

3. Sunday brunch with my buddies along the Erie Canal

The Erie Canal is lined with gorgeous little stores and cute cafes—a perfect place for a lazy, slow start to Sunday! It adds a nautical touch with the geese, seagulls and a few boats moored. Don’t forget to wear those Sperry’s!

The Erie Canal

4. Make a trip to the top of Rush Rhees

Waiting for Senior Week tours to make my up to the top of the library where we’ve spent countless hours on end cramming for exams or writing those unending papers. Stepping out into the open and taking in that view of the entire Rochester campus will make everything worth it.

The view from the top of Rush Rhees Library


5. Try out the culinary delights at one new place in and around Rochester every weekend

Yes, to those that know me, I’m the ultimate foodie. I am that person who will Yelp restaurant reviews even before we’ve arrived at our destination. Currently, top of my list are Owl House and Simply Crepes! Here’s to long working hours this semester to pay for these money dropping indulgences, sigh.

The Owl House on Park Avenue

6. Become besties with the Trader Joe’s people at Pittsford Plaza

Trader Joe’s, I think, is the best thing to happen to Rochester recently. They rock that West Coast style, lead in all things organic and culinary and yet the prices are so reasonable. One of my favorite pastimes has and always will be strolling through Trader Joe’s marveling at all the different culinary delights they have to offer.

Pittsford Plaza

7. Eat a garbage plate

Oops, still haven’t gotten around to trying this. Can’t say anything else but that I should get on task to eat this. It’s a Rochester classic.

Nick Tahou’s garbage plate

8. Waste a Sunday under the sunshine and warmth on the Academic Quad

Those rare days during finals week in the spring when the weather hits seventy and out come the shorts, flip flops, picnic mats are much appreciated. But it is quite a downside too, because concentration levels for that exam the next morning go crashing down. Considering we just got ranked as one of the snowiest colleges in the USA, when the sun’s out, we’re about! Once finals are done and my MCATs are out of the way, here’s what I’m looking forward to: brunching on the Quad with my friends, reading that book I couldn’t touch yet, and a spontaneous game of Frisbee among those spring-blooming dandelions.

Students relaxing in the Eastman Quad

9. Walk through the Historic Village in Pittsford

Driving through Pittsford, especially along Main Street, transports me back to those gorgeous European villages with cobblestoned paths and historic architecture. Once it gets warmer, its time for a stroll down that street, with occasional stops for frozen yogurt and iced frappuccinos. I’m calling out to summer already!

Pittsford, NY, Main Street

10. Walk under the Clock Tower holding my degree once I’ve officially graduated

Yes, it still goes strong – the long standing Rochester myth that walking under the Clock Tower is an ill omen that won’t let you graduate. I’ve been wary of accidentally walking under it all these years, so this moment will be a win!

The clock tower poking through autumn leaves

Feel free to give me more suggestions to add to my Bucket List! Here’s the link to the Rochester Review’s 101 Thing to do before you graduate!

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