Hello, all! Spring semester registration is upon us and its time to go through the (stressful) process of picking classes once again. If you’re applying to colleges, you’ll experience this soon. Now, you may be one of those people who already has a good idea of what their schedules will look like. But if you’re not, don’t worry, my friend—you’ll make it through!
From my experience registering for the fall semester, I have some tips for choosing courses and planning your schedule so that you can utilize your time to the maximum, and still experience college to the fullest!

1. WRT 105: Take it now, if you haven’t yet!
This writing course is the only primary requirement for undergraduate students. WRT 105 is (in my opinion) probably the coolest class of your semester. Why, you may ask? Well, because this is the only course that gives you the freedom to choose what you want to write about. You can pick one of the many interesting topics available this semester, ranging from video games, Civil War spies, heroes and villains, comics, travel, conspiracies, etc. See what I mean?
You should take this course in the spring if you haven’t yet, because next year you will be competing against the new freshmen in a race against time (no, I’m not being overdramatic) to register for the few WRT courses. Consequently, while registering, pick WRT 105 first as it tends to fill up really fast.
2. Have at least one “free” day (TGIF)
Personally, my definition of “free” is getting done with classes by lunch so that I can relax for the rest of my day. For me, and for most people, “free” days are FRIDAYS! This gives everyone a chance to start the weekend early and catch up on some much-needed sleep. If your family lives close enough to the University, you can even go back home for a day or two. One of my friends has her Fridays off entirely, and let me tell you, it’s just as good as it sounds.
3. Take at least one non-required class
Now, I know that some people have a long list of pre-requisites for their majors, and thus have solid plans for their schedules. But it’s a really important part of the Rochester experience to take an interesting class that is completely out of your major. For example, I’m hoping to take a creative writing class in poetry next semester. As a BME major, poetry hardly goes with my hard science and math classes, but here I am! Going off that, I’ve made a list of courses I found interesting that are offered next semester. You are free to explore further on the Course Description Website.
Interesting Courses:
Art History 221: Classical Archaeology: Roman Art & Archaeology
In this course, you’ll have the amazing opportunity to learn about Roman culture through the physical remains of the ancient culture and its paintings, sculptures, architecture and other arts.
Audio & Music Engineering 191: Art and Tech of Recording
Due to the fact that most students at Rochester are musically gifted, I feel that this particular course would appeal to many of you. It covers the theoretical and practical aspects of audio recording, which means you will be learning and doing some magical stuff.
Digital Media Studies 110: From Pong to Pokemon Go: The Past, Present and Future of Video Games
Now, the reason why I think this course will be interesting is because it’s a universal topic. Most of us, at least once (if not many times), have been obsessed with video games. And this course is the perfect excuse to start playing again, and to learn more about them.
English 114: British Literature II
This course covers some of the most important literature works from the Romantic, Victorian and Modern periods, with a focus on authors like Blake, Wordsworth, Yeats, Brontë, etc. For those of you who love reading classic literature and for those who haven’t gotten the chance to, this is the perfect course for you!
Film & Media Studies: Animation and the Arts
Are you still a kid at heart, despite the fact that you’re in college? If yes, then you will really enjoy learning more about animation and its various forms. By evaluating examples like superhero series, television cartoons, myths and fables, and puppetry, you will gain a deeper understanding of animation culture.
History 185: History of the Future
Honestly, I don’t even think I need to describe this course, because, how cool is the title? Anyway, this course evaluates how people at different times in the past imagined the future. I feel like thinking more about people’s expectations vs. realities would prove to be quite enlightening!
I don’t have a specific course in mind, because I think taking any music class, especially if you’re not a music major, will turn out to be an amazing learning opportunity. Whether you’re an instrument maestro or musically challenged (like me), as a Rochester student, you are free to take classes at the Eastman School of Music.
Philosophy 103: Contemporary Moral Problems
This course, in my opinion, is an amazing opportunity to re-evaluate yourself and your beliefs, because it makes you think about current issues in morality like abortion, terrorism, animal rights, the environment, etc. Learning about so many thought-provoking topics will surely get your brain running!
So those are my tips for registering for classes: Tackle that writing course, try to have a free day, and take at least one class just for fun. Good luck if you’re planning your spring courses, or if you’re daydreaming about the courses you’ll take as a freshman here next fall!